Repair All Refunds

We store everything from personal documents to private media files on our computers. That's why we can't blame those people who spend hundreds of dollars on protecting and cleaning them when they get viruses or when they get hacked. A company that goes under different names such as Repair All PC, Pro PC Repair, I Fix PC, WebTech World, Online Assist, Datadeck, and Techers247 took this opportunity to make some illegal money.

The company ran some ads that looked like pop-up security alerts and pretended to be connected with major tech companies. They asked for the remote access of the customer's PC and ran fake diagnostic tests. Then, they told the customer that their PC has been hacked or has a virus. After that, they urged the customer to pay hundreds of dollars for unnecessary repairs.
If you were a victim of this scam, don't just sit and stare at your PC. Claim your money and talk to us. Just click the Enquiry Form below.

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